Actually it is not me who created the layout. I just found it on the web.
In this site (http://www.ece.iit.edu/~jgrad/) you can find the email of
the author, so you can contact and ask him.
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Nicolás wrote:
Supheakmungkol SARIN wrote:
Hello lyxers,
I have to write an ACM Sig paper and I'd like to know whether
there is such a layout or template ever made for Lyx or not.
You can find a layout here:
Hello Nicolás,
would you like it to include your layout to LyX? If yes could you send a
permission to publish your work under the GPL.
Does your "iithesis.layout" also work with a "iitthesis.cls" from CTAN
(the official one)?
thanks and regards