To answer your questions, yes they were latex packages, and yes I am using

I had only looked at the textclass.lst file in the C:\Program
Files\LyX\Resources\lyx directory. You are correct that the one that I did
not check (in C:\Documents and
Settings\your_id_here\Application Data\lyx) is 0-length. I copied the global
one to the local one but that didn't work.

When I try running sh configure, it doesn't run because paths don't appear
to be set up right. I decided not to try to fix that because I wasn't sure
it would get me anywhere.


- - - - - - - - - -
Dr. John W. Sheppard
- Fellow and Assistant Research Professor
- ARINC and Johns Hopkins University

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Paul A. Rubin
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: Windows Installation Problem

John W. Sheppard, PhD wrote:
> I apologize beforehand if this is one of those emails that appears a lot
> the list. I have looked through the website and don't seem to
> able to find what I am looking for.

The empty textclass.lst phenomenon occurs repeatedly in the list, but
your symptoms are somewhat different from most.
> Recently, I downloaded lyx 1.3.6 for Windows and installed it. At first,
> everything worked great until I attempted to install some packages that I
> just "skipped through" during initial installation.

Were the "skipped" packages LaTeX packages (and, if so, are you using
MiKTeX), or were they supporting programs (Ghostscript, MinSYS, ...)?

> Now, when I run lyx, I
> instantly get a popup message that says
>     LyX wasn't able to find any layout description!
>     Check the contents of the file "textclass.lst"
>     Sorry, has to exist :-(
>     [OK]
> I press the OK button and everything goes away. I looked at textclass.lst
> and don't see anything useful.

There are (or should be) two copies of textclass.lst on your system.
One would be in C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx (assuming that's
where you installed LyX), and the other would be in C:\Documents and
Settings\your_id_here\Application Data\lyx.  Which did you look at
(both?), and did you see content in them, or were they empty (zero
bytes)?  The most common, if not only, problem with textclass.lst on
Windows systems seems to be the configure script writing a zero-length
file as a result of something going wrong.

> I attempted to "manually run" configure, but
> that doesn't work either. I have also attempted to uninstall and
> but nothing changes.

By "manually run", do you mean running 'sh configure' in the C:\Program
Files\LyX\Resources\lyx directory?  If so, does that spew a lot of
progress information to the shell window and, most importantly, does it
indicate that a working copy of latex.exe was found?


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