----- Original Message -----
From: "Enrico Forestieri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]
because I think it is very likely that if you examine your 1.3.7pre5
configure file you'll see that the Path preview section is inflated
by a ~two hundred characters.
Yes, I noticed it. Anyway, I always edit the configure script after
installation to trim \path_prefix because I already have everything
needed in my path.
You mean your Windows path? I keep learning. I knew that
LyX would work with Path prefix alone, without any Lyx helper
programs in the Windows path, but I didn't know that one could
trim the path_prefix because it was already handled in the
Windows path.
Or you could edit Path prefix later if you use the 1.3.7pre5
configure. Or maybe leave it as it may not cause damage and just
be a hidden unsightly blemish.
Your script is certainly hugely more elegant. I just thought to provide
a simple means, although hardly simpler (if the user already has sh.exe
in his Windows path) to complete his Lyx1.3.7pre5 install now. I was
able to follow the Angus advice for this. I hope I'm reinforcing it,
your advice might be more suitable for inclusion in the installer
Why not simply get an archive (zip, tar, whatever) of the 1.3.7pre5 LyX
directory and unpack it over a 1.3.6 installation? Thereafter, one could
simply edit the configure script to adjust \path_prefix, run "sh
and be done.
Well, maybe that would work, I wonder what Angus thinks? Since
I am only a computer technician rather than a developer, I can't
fully grasp all the ramifications of this approach; I always test, test...
Nice to see you developing ideas,