I've seen the flash demo on their website: what's
kdissert about? Is it just to draw charts like that?
Probably it has other uses, right?


--- "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just got an idea. I often using lyx - but I also
> like mindmapping. For 
> mindmapping I am using kdissert. But it right now it
> is only a stony one way 
> direction:
>       kdissert -> latex -> Lyx and adding the rest
> I would like to hear, what you are thinking about a
> combination of kdissert 
> (mindmapping) and lyx (semantic writing)?
> Lyx as a plugin in kdissert or the other way round?
> What would be needed in your eyes?
> Would are you thinking about «roundtrip writing» in
> the style of roudtring 
> engineering?
> Ciao, Henning 

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