David M Hunter wrote:
> Angus, as a windows newbie I have managed to create a new windows Lyx
> with the tracking changes.

Well now, that's an amazing accomplishment. I'm truly impressed.

> Compilation was very lengthy


> and I used the  
> MinWG platform and method you outlined in your notes.

That's Minimal Gnu for Windows (MinGW) together with Minimal SYStem (MSYS).
Together MinGW/MSYS.

> Not familiar with making "builds" I have not made a "package" but
> created a new Lyx executable based on the stable 1.3.6 source code.

Is that BRANCH_1_3_X of the lyx-devel repository? If not, you really should
use this. Lots and lots of tiresome little bugs have been squashed.

If you're interested in the packaging, read the README, same directory
which details the steps I take to go on and package it all up. You'll be
especially interested in the package_lyxwin.sh script which, despite its
name, doesn't package anything but indulges in a few tricks to create a
truly useful (working) system on Windows. It transpires that "paths with
spaces" are a real pain in the LaTeX world and we must jump through a few
hoops to make things less unpleasant. That's package_lyxwin.sh.

> I am stuck on a problem with dvipost. Dvipost is necessary to create a
> final printable document. I don't know how to compile it without errors
> on the MinGW system and I'm also foggy about where it should reside
> should I succeed in compiling it.

Compilation problems: see the bottom of this mail.

Where to put the resulting executable? MiKTeX's binaries appear to live in
Don't put the thing there because Main is for official MiKTeX stuff.
However, there's also a C:\MiKTeX\Local directory tree for your own,
unofficial additions. So

I'm not sure if you need to explicitly add this directory to your PATH for
MikTeX to find executables therein.

FWIW, here's my own personal MSYS .bashrc file (as seen from my linux box)
which tunes my MSYS environment. You could also adjust the PATH from the
Start menu.

$ cat /mnt/windowsJ/MSYS/home/angus/.bashrc
#! /bin/sh

alias ls="ls --color -F"
alias rm="rm -i"

PATH=$HOME/bin:/j/emacs-21.3/bin:$PATH; export PATH

> A few questions:
> Should I try to learn and follow your method for creating a package (is
> it the same as the windows installer package?) and in doing so would it
> solve all my problems, including the dvipost one? I ask these questions
> because things take a long time to compile.

Running package_lyxwin.sh will take a few seconds and its well worth doing.
Creating the Windows Installer is a useful exercise if you're going to
make this stuff available to others. You'll need to install NSIS, compile
lyx_configure.C and put the resulting lyx_configure.dll in
  C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\
Thereafter, building the installer is as simple as
  C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis lyx_installer.nsi

> Thanks for your time. Again, at the risk of being tiresome, I wish to
> point out that I am doing this work to try bring windows users (I am not
> a windows user) to Lyx, Linux and opensource software.

You don't need to justify yourself ;-)

You'll notice I haven't answered the dvipost questions. Mail me privately
with more info about your problems.


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