I use the Koma-script letter template with some adjustments for my
correspondance. Nice looking. The problem comes with envelopps :
1) Is there a template to print C6/5 envelopps ? If so, where ?
A template for printing the address onto the envelope itself?
You can make one like this:
1. Create a document
2. Go into document settings
3. Set the page size to the actual size of your envelope (measure it
   with a ruler)
4. Set the margin so the address gets where you want it
5. Save this into .lyx/templates/envelope.lyx

Now you have a template for envelopes.  Repeat as necessary
for envelopes of different size.

2) I sometimes use windows envelopps (also C6/5). How cant I get the address of
my correspondant to print on the right side of the page, at the window position
I dived into scrguen.pdf and almost drowned. So pleease help !
Have a look at
This uses brev.cls, which formats letters for A4 paper,
C6/5 window envelopes. There is a template for lyx there also.

Be warned that "brev.cls" currently doesn't support documents
in the French language, so you will have to select another
language for this to work.  The package authors are interested
in help with translations into more languages though.

Helge Hafting

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