K. Elo wrote:

Without knowing it, you have helped me, too. A couple of day ago I received a pdf-formular from a company. After having opened it with my acoread 7.0 for linux I noticed that the printing was not possible, because the printing permission was diabled (very practical with a formular, indeed!). I contacted the company, but they haven't even heard about the permissions (because they use 6.0 where the permissions are, AFAIK, simply ignored) and didn't know how to fix the formular.

At this point, your mail arrived. I downloaded pdftrans and itext, installed them - and voilĂ !
On linux, use xpdf which couldn't care less about permissions.
I use it to copy/paste stuff out of pdf's that are protected against
copying with acrobat.

Having "copy protection" enforced by the client is such a joke,
just use a client that don't implement it. Anyway, there is no way
to simultaneously allow reading and prevent copying.

Helge Hafting

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