Thanks Roy.
Sure I'll look at the examples, etc. I just didn't
want to reinvent the wheel: if people already did
create layout files for such stuff, I could happily
use them though :). 

Well, to put it more precisely, what I meant was, in
fact, the rendering on the screen of the document (by
LyX, not the final output). As I said, the final
output is usually satisfactory if you can fine tune
enough your document within LyX, or directly in
exported LaTeX file.

Just to be able to explain better my point (not to
advocate or advertise any software: as i said, this
whole thing is cosmetic in nature), let me give an

In the past I used Sientific Workplace writing my M.S.
thesis (and I will use, hopefully, LyX in for my PhD
thesis :). They used a similar layout dropdown box,
but it had some of the options I mentioned. For
example, if you select the Theorem environment (just
as you do when you select, say, Enumerate in LyX,
rendering automatically changed to an emphasized mode
together with a "Theorem" caption, etc. This was very
pleasant to my eyes. 

If I undestand it corectly (I started to use LyX just
a few days ago, so I may be very well wrong), you can
avoid gray ERT boxes if you create custom layout

My question is whether there are such custom layout
files of your own or on the web. Thank you in advance
to everyone who will be willing to share: If I manage
to obtain pretty layout files, I'll make them
available on the web. But given that I'm still a
beginner here, it may take time especially since my
weekdays are somewhat busy these days.

And, hell no, I don't mean "talking dogs" or "paper
clips" :). They are sweet though, aren't they :)?


> > Hi everybody,
> > Is there a place or does anybody know a good site
> for
> > custom layouts which can be used with LyX? For
> > example, there is no theorem, corollary, proof,
> > exercise, exam question, multiple choice test
> > question, etc. layouts available by default. Of
> course
> > this is a relatively side issue as you can get
> what
> > you want in the final typeset document, but it
> would
> > be nice to have visual effects on the screen as
> you
> > work with LyX :). If there are such repositories
> on
> > the net that you are aware of, could you let me
> know?
> > Regards,
> > Nusret
> Hi,
> I suggest you look at the following set of Wiki
> pages:
> Also,  be  sure to have a look at examples, which
> come  pre-packaged  with
> LyX. They reside in:
> /lyx/examples/
> where "/lyx" is your LyX installation directory.

> For  theorem,  corollary,  proof and so forth you
> might have  to  use  ERT
> (Insert -> TeX), though there are workarounds that
> might suit you better.
> I  am  not too sure what you mean by "visual effects
> on the screen as  you
> work with LyX". As output is usually paper or a Web
> page, dynamicity would
> be gratuitous and lead to speed penalties. Are you
> thinking of a paperclip
> or a talking dog?
> Hope it helps,
> Roy
> -- 
> Roy S. Schestowitz
>  |    SuSE Linux     |    
> PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
>   5:30am  up 17 days  1:24,  5 users,  load average:
> 0.15, 0.52, 0.70

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