On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 02:30:38PM -0200, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> I often need to make a reference to an equation (mostly) in another LyX file. 
> Now, I know that it's easy to cross-reference between different files if one 
> is inputed/included inside the other or both inside a master file.
This sort of cross references works precisely because the two files
gets into the same big document somehow.  So referencing something
"on page 47" or "in section 1.3.9" makes sense.

> However, if I want to cross-reference equations between unrelated texts, the 
> trick doesn't seem to work.  In a quick search, I was not able to find any 
> thread dealing with this neither in the list nor in the wiki pages.

You might be able to get a
reference of the form "equation 3 on page 57" or "in section 1.5.4", but
the page/section number refers to the pages/section in the _other_
document then.  So they won't match the document the reference
is printed in, causing confusion.

I believe you normally use a citation when referring to a unrelated document.

Helge Hafting

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