On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 05:12:10PM -0300, Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a wrote: > > I don´t know PageMaker or Scribus. > I think that Lyx is very good for mathematics > but for history, sociology, etc. advantage is > reduced for dificult to learn and poor tool for > index entry.
Lyx has multi-level index entries. The question becomes - what is the problem? We who don't do history/sociology can't really know what you're missing. > Analitic index is a greatest, bored and very > dificult work in social science without a > smart tool for it. > How I can suggest this feature to the > Lyx develop team? > A good detailed description of the problem is a good base. If you can point out how the ideal solution ought to be, then that helps too of course. If you can point out latex packages doing what you want then it usually gets much easier to code. The very best way to ask for new features is to provide a patch implementing them. :-) Unfortunately, only programmers can do that. Note that nothing new will be added to lyx right now, as all work goes into bugfixing before the re�lease of the upcomng lyx 1.4.0. But feel free to plan future enhancements. Helge Hafting