Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez wrote:

> Now the script lyx2lyx works with no error messages, so I have a new lyx
> file supposedly for the 1.3.5 version format.
> When I open this file with lyx 1.3.5, there are no errors during the
> import process, but when I compile to pdf, there is a lot of errors.
> It seems to me that, unfortunately, there is already a lot of work to do
> with this program.

I agree with José that it is probably only a minor bug (unless you are doing
some nasty LaTeX tricks).

> So I don't know what to do now. Maybe I will write again the latex
> document in lyx from zero, at least I am sure it will work.

You can send me the original .tex file privately (if it is not too
confidential), so that I can find out what the problem is and probably
solve it. Free software can only be improved if bugs are reported.


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