Rudi Gaelzer schrieb:
Does anyone know if the subarray AMS environment is implemented in LyX (I mean, not in ERT mode) and how to use it? I want a multline subscript with the lines left-aligned. The command \substack is implemented, but the lines are centered. The subarray environment is the way to do this.
Can you read german? If yes then have a look at chapter 10.2 of or (from Th last two formulas in this chapter are examples for multiline subscripts.
Also, where can I find a description of AMS resources supported by LyX? The User Guide seems to be fairly incomplete on the subject.
The LyXMathebefehle documentation cover nearly every math stuff and how it is implemented in LyX. Unfortunately only in german because I don't find the time to translate it.
regards Uwe