John Kane wrote:

Obviously, as a student you, did not have the card
reader  shred your  computer deck ½ hours before the
assignment was due and all you needed was a clean

No, but I have the dubious distinction of having rested a box of punch cards on the roof of my car whilst unlocking it, and then driving off without bringing them into the car. (Unsurprisingly, the cards did not drive off as far as I did. Something about inertia, I believe.)

I have installed R,, Endnote and a few
other things on this machine so I assume I have
administrator's rights.

Seems likely.

 Post myresults.txt so we can see if  something went

Splat.  Looks remarkably like what I saw when I
installed LyX.  I just did not know how to capture the
text flow before.
I've posted the log and a screen shot of the directory

Well, the output from the configuration script is in fact interesting. Note the first three lines. The configuration script will look first for latex.exe and then, if necessary, for latex2e.exe, searching your system command path each time. If it finds either, it will test the program's functionality on a dummy LaTeX document file. Unfortunately, if a broken version of latex.exe is found, the script moves on to latex2e.exe, rather than continuing to search the command path.

Note that the script apparently found a latex.exe program but decided it was not usable (i.e., broken), then moved on to latex2e.exe, which it never found. Lack of latex2e.exe is normal, but no working latex.exe means no joy using LyX. So the next question to investigate is why it thought the copy of latex.exe it found was not usable.

If I recall correctly, you ran 'latex --version' using the latex.exe file in the MiKTeX bin directory and got a valid answer from it, which would suggest that it in fact works (although there might still be set up problems with the classes, I suppose). When I've encountered this particular pathology in the past, it has usually been because the user had installed something else (Cygwin in my case) that contained an older, broken or improperly installed latex.exe, and that was ahead of the correct latex.exe on the command path. I did not mention this before because you posted your command path and I saw the MiKTeX bin directory on it fairly early (and in particular ahead of anything likely to contain latex.exe).

Best to double check things here.  From a DOS prompt, try the following:

1. Type 'path' to get the system path. Make sure that (a) the MiKTeX bin directory is properly listed and (b) no directory ahead of it contains a file named latex.exe.

2. I've attached the file used to test your LaTeX installation. Plop it down anywhere except your MiKTeX bin directory, cd to that directory, and run 'latex chklatex.ltx'. It should cough up a log file, and the log file should contain the string 'ThisIsLaTeX2e' (lack of spaces deliberate) after the initial heading stuff. If not, there may be a problem with the MiKTeX installation. If that does work, then we will need to do a small bit of surgery to the installation script to find out why it doesn't like your latex.exe file.



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