While I agree w/ Marc in wanting a Cocoa / GNUstep front-end for LyX, I would like to echo the statements of Banibrata and others that it's better to have a wide variety, and please don't abandon people who need to use Windows for one reason or other.

Having Windows as an option makes LyX far more widely available, and more usage means more testing which makes LyX better.

It also means that LyX can run on systems with unique capabilities not afforded by Linux or Mac OS X --- I'm running LyX on Windows 2000 using Evernote's RitePen HWR software on a Fujitsu Stylistic pen slate, which means that I can work on my current book project wherever I happen to be, no need for a chair to sit on to use a laptop, or a table for a setting up a keyboardkeyboard, or a power outlet to drive a Wacom Cintiq connected to a Mac Mini (which I've still been tempted by).

While Inkwell, nee Rosetta in Mac OS X is nice, it's not as well integrated as RitePen, and there's still no widely available HWR program for Linux better than xscribble AFAIK.

For others who have Windows pen slates, or access to a graphics tablet, be sure to try out InftyReader (http://www.inftyproject.org/en/) contrast it w/ FFES on Linux.

(which reminds me, can I get the math area slightly increased in size?)
William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708

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