Depends - are these plain latex macros, or "lyx macros" ?
For latex macros this is trivial. Define them in the preamble! That
works well, because in the multi-document include case, only the
preamble from the master document is used. So the chapter document's
preamble is only used when the chapter document is compiled alone.
Nothing gets doubly defined - this always works.
If you meant -"lyx macros" - then I don't know. Few people use them.
Helge Hafting
I was talking about LyX macros. I realize that they are basically a
synonym for LaTeX' \newcommand, but having them in text seemed more
The other thing is that having to have all the commands in all preambles
is problematic because every change to the definition of a macro
somewhere has to be propagated everywhere else.
But for the time being it's a great solution! (I have only a handful of