unfortunately, this is not it.

The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

and not like:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

Note the period after the author block.

the given example entry looks like this in the bibtex file:

author = {Shima, J. E. and McLean, D. J. and McCarrey, J. R. and
Griswold, M. D.},
title = {The murine testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene
expression in the testis during the progression of
journal = {Biol Reprod},
year = {2004},
volume = {71},
number = {1},
pages = {319-330},
abstract = {One of the most promising applications of microarrays is
the study of changes in gene expression associated with the
growth and development of mammalian tissues. The testis
provides an excellent model to determine the ability of
microarrays to effectively characterize the changes in gene
expression as an organ develops from birth to adulthood. To
this end, a developmental testis gene expression time
course profiling the expression patterns of approximately
36 000 transcripts on the Affymetrix MGU74v2 GeneChip
platform at 11 distinct time points was created to gain a
greater understanding of the molecular changes necessary
for and elicited by the development of the testis.
Additionally, gene expression profiles of isolated
testicular cell types were created that can aid in the
further characterization of the specific functional actions
of each cell type in the testis. Statistical analysis of
the data revealed 11 252 transcripts (9846 unique)
expressed differentially in a significant manner.
Subsequent cluster analysis produced five distinct
expressional patterns within the time course. These
patterns of expression are present at distinct
chronological periods during testis development and often
share similarities with cell-specific expression profiles.
Analysis of cell-specific expression patterns produced
unique and characteristic groups of transcripts that
provide greater insight into the activities, biological and
chronological, of testicular cell types during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Further analysis of this
time course can provide a distinct and more definitive view
into the genes implicated, known and unknown, in the
maturation, maintenance, and function of the testis and the
integrated process of spermatogenesis.},
authoraddress = {Center for Reproductive Biology, School of Molecular
Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington 99164, USA.},
keywords = {Animals ; *Gene Expression Profiling ; Male ; Mice ; Mice,
Inbred Strains ; Multigene Family ; Oligonucleotide Array
Sequence Analysis ; Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. ;
Spermatogenesis/*genetics ; Testis/metabolism/*physiology ;
*Transcription, Genetic},
language = {eng},
medline-aid = {10.1095/biolreprod.103.026880 [doi] ; biolreprod.103.026880
medline-da = {20040622},
medline-dcom = {20050105},
medline-dep = {20040317},
medline-edat = {2004/03/19 05:00},
medline-fau = {Shima, James E ; McLean, Derek J ; McCarrey, John R ;
Griswold, Michael D},
medline-gr = {ES09136/ES/NIEHS ; HD 10808/HD/NICHD ; U54 HD42454/HD/NICHD},
medline-is = {0006-3363},
medline-jid = {0207224},
medline-mhda = {2005/01/06 09:00},
medline-own = {NLM},
medline-phst = {2004/03/17 [aheadofprint]},
medline-pl = {United States},
medline-pmid = {15028632},
medline-pst = {ppublish},
medline-pt = {Journal Article},
medline-pubm = {Print-Electronic},
medline-sb = {IM},
medline-so = {Biol Reprod 2004 Jul;71(1):319-30. Epub 2004 Mar 17.},
medline-stat = {MEDLINE},

On 27/10/05, K. Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):
> > hello
> >
> >
> > i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
> > comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
> > in my reference list.
> >
> > the bst file is custom made with makebst:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!
> >
> In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
> %>>DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
> %<<DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
> %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
> % ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
> % ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
> % ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
> % ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date
> Try to change it as follows:
> %>>DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
> %<<DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
> % %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
> % ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
> % ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
> ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
> % ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date
> This forces BiBTeX to always use period "." after the date block.
> You have to re-build the .bst file to make the change work.
> Hope this helps!
> Kind regards
> Kimmo

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