So i tried some more and i'm thinking that cocoaspell is working again and i have choosen the en.pws file that cocaspell creates.
I can perfectly add some word to this personal word list from outside of lyx but .... If i try it from within lyx the situation is that lyx know all new words cocoaspell leared outside of lyx, but it will not add any new words. I think the add button is simply not working in my case. So all the problems before result in an not working add funktion within lyx. Anybody a clue? Using : OsX 10.4.2 Lyx 1.3.6 CocoAspell 2.02 (Apspell 6.0) Alex -- Lust, ein paar Euro nebenbei zu verdienen? Ohne Kosten, ohne Risiko! Satte Provisionen für GMX Partner: