Thanks a lot everyone!

    I've never saw so good and swift answers in a mail
list before this! I solved the problem again. Hence
cause  of you!

    About hyphens: I need to write the most part of my
docs in portuguese and some in spanish langs. But the
LaTeX always hyphenize the document. It is great, and
it always do it correctly in english, but sometimes it
is wrong in portuguese, like "cat-egoria" (the right
way is "ca-te-go-ri-a". Well, I know it is easy put
manual hyphen on each critical words, but I need some
easy way to do it --- once the Lyx purpose is the user
'do his best text, and let the Lyx work on the
format', it's nonsense to correct the LaTeX
hyphenation. :)

    Any sugestions? Maybe some resource to turn off
the LaTeX hyphenation job?

    Take care!




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