Søren O'Neill wrote:
Hi there,
how do I pursuade LyX (or rather LaTeX i suppose) to hyphenate using danish
I'm getting some very weird hyphenations like: p-ainful
Kind regards
Soren - Denmark (If you hadn't guessed:-)
Two things:
1. Set the document language to Danish. (Go into document
settings, where language is one of many options.)
2. Make sure your latex installation have the danish hyphenation
installed _and_ activated. It is usually not possible to activate
all language's hypentation patterns at the same time,
therefore many latex distributions only enable a few (like english,
french and german) by default.
I have debian linux, which uses tetex. There, I run texconfig in order
to set up hyphenation patterns. You get a menu where you can select
hyphenation first, and then you select the hyphenation setup for "latex".
After that, you get to edit a file that defines which hyphentation
patterns should be available. Make sure the danish hyphenation
isn't commented out. (There should not be a percent sign in
front of the line beginning with "danish".)
After this, save the file and quit texconfig.
If you don't have texconfig, look for the file named
"language.dat" which may exist in /etc/texmf/, /usr/share/texmf,
or some other place.
Documents set up with "Danish" language should hyphenate correctly
after this. If you get tired of setting the language to "Danish" all
the time, use the "save as document default" button after changing
the language. Documents will be Danish by default after that.
Helge Hafting