Mike Meyer wrote:
>> Sure. The Windows way would be to define a viewer in lyxrc.defaults as
>> \viewer pdf "open $$i"
>> because the user will already have associated a .pdf extension with
>> something like AcroRd32.exe.
> I thought the command on windows was "start". Then again, I use
> windows only under great duress, and charge extra for it.
> The same thing works for OS X.
> It also works for Unix if you've got the "open" utility.
> With Unix and Mac OS X, open can be found on the path. Is the same
> true for Windows?

On windows, I understand that "open" is a built-in, like "start". In the
case of "open", it searches the registry for an association between a file
extension and an app that's been registered to view such a file.

> Of course, that only deals with opening files for viewing. LyX also
> needs to deal with commands that convert files between types, like
> pdflatex, latex2html, dvipdf2m, gif2pdf, etc. The unix open will deal
> with this (well, the CVS version will). The OS X open won't.  Will the
> Windows open?

No, but the Windows solution will be the same; we should search the
registry for (many of ) these things. To paraphase Bo Peng, it's pretty
un-windows-ish for apps to adjust the PATH when they're installed. Most
things use the registry.

Anyway, this is all getting a little OT for the Users' list.

Bo, if you're interested in python-ifying the configure script, that'd be
great. Come along to the lyx-devel list! Don't be scared off by all this
registry noise; it's certainly not needed for a first implementation.


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