Stephen Harris wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rex Dieter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I didn't follow the whole thread, but if it hadn't already been pointed out, you used the wrong rpms. lyx and mathml-fonts are both in Fedora Extras. Either manually download them, or simply enable the Fedora Extras repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-extras.repo, and use:
yum install lyx
as originally suggested.

I used those rpms because they don't insist on installing tetex as a
dependency (rpms don't see non-rpms) and erasing TL tetex (2nd) and originally because that was all I could find. They worked just fine.

You were lucky.

Maybe the Bakoma fonts should be in extras along with math-ml fonts?

They are included *in* the mathml-fonts package.

-- Rex

p.s. No need to CC me, I'm already on the list.

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