"Stephen" == Stephen P Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Stephen> Unfortunately, I think it is more likely that you forgot it.
Stephen> Do as I say, not as I do.
Let's forget about it, then :)
The points that interest me in that discussion are:
- the fact that the tetex rpms might not be of very good quality on
RH. This is not an anathema, AFAIK. Actually, I think P. Flynn knows
more about (La)TeX that anyone else I know on this list (Herbert
Voss excepted, maybe; I am going to piss of the other TeXnicians
I forgot...), and his thoughts about this are appreciated.
SH: My credo is "principles before personalities". P. Flynn may be
an expert at (La)TeX but this required a different skill set. He
didn't know about yum, /.lyx/preferences nor apparently about FC4
and rpms or Georg Baum wouldn't have posted explaining rpms to him.
- we should try to build LyX in a way that allows for changing TeX
distributions as easily as possible. In particularly, people who
want to use the TeX Collection distribution should be able to do so
with minimal hassle.
SH: I certainly agree with this. I think FC4 might install its version
of tetex by default. I had previously gotten Lyx1.3.6 to work with the
FC4 provided tetex files. So it took me about 15 minutes to erase lyx
and tetex +dependencies in preparation to installing the Tex 2004 dvd.
I think one can do a custom install of FC4 and uncheck the tetex box(es)
and avoid that chore.
- the code that searches for a latex executable was written by me at a
time where LaTeX 2.09 was not uncommon. I can accept the fact that
it is now completely inadequate.
SH: One needs to remember to put "PATH=/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
export PATH into .bashrc_profile as detailed in the TeX 2004 User Guide.
Then installing LyX1.3.6 and Qt with the rpms was fairly uneventful. I
had left the xft fonts and aiksaurus installed. So LyX fired up and looked
OK. And the Tex Information displayed a lot of stuff. But when I tried to
load currency.lyx, I got an error message about missing article.cls So I
tried Reconfigure and that restored all the viewers (which were missing).
I rebooted and Reconfigure hadn't stuck. Missing article.cls again. I
checked the preferences file and it was empty except for the screen & fonts
section. From Windows I hunched this was a path problem. So I checked Edit
Preferences-->Paths and it was empty. Not even ImageMagick which is installed.
So then I used Angus Leeming's time honored recipe of fiddling with Path_prefix
echo $PATH which I cut and pasted into Path prefix(saved). Also put /usr/bin/xpdf
in file formats to check on Paul Johnson's complaint (it worked ok). At any rate,
this doesn't work like my Windows experience would lead me to expect. Now the
changes I made showed up in the preferences file under Misc = the Linux Path,
and I have one entry under Format section: \viewer "pdf3" "/usr/bin/xpdf"
- the fact that configure is run at install time (and thus as root as
Peter points out) is indeed a problem. It causes griefs to the
windows installer too. I'll try to remove this for 1.4.1.
Discussions about moral censure and ethics are an unneeded distraction
in this context.
I agree. That is why I resented them being introduced ("kludge" and
the suggestion that RH deliberately sabotaged TeX cd releases by PF)
and then I was chastised for expressing my disapproval. Ridiculing
that popinjay was a mild response.
From FC4,