----- Original Message -----
From: "Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: tetex RPMs (was: Re: Problems installing 1.3.6-1 RPMs
Stephen P. Harris wrote:
SH: You've certainly done a good job in establishing your unique
qualifications for your sweeping pronouncements.
Stephen, cool it please.
I already have. Peter Flynn wrote:
"Sorry for the OT flak, but I've been supporting TeX for 20 years, and the
inconsistencies of the RH tetex RPMs are the biggest headache we have."
SH: Let me politely describe that as an exaggeration rather than a lie.
rpms were introduced as stable in the Fall of 1995, ten years ago. And
the first Tex Live cd was released the next year in 1996.
Peter Flynn abused this forum by introducing an off-topic rant about
RH tetex rpms which was more than just one post. This provoked a
defensive off-topic post from Jose Matos.
Peter Flynn dismissed Paul A. Rubin's attempt at help with a derisive
"This is madness." Because Peter doesn't fully grasp troubleshooting.
Peter Flynn is an arrogant, ignorant blowhard. I think my expression
of dissatisfaction was rather moderate. I think your moral intervention
was a day late and a dollar short and not directed at the instigator.
You are a fairly adept developer. Your ethical values leave a lot to
be desired, IMO, as I mentioned before when I asked you not to
bother me before. You are far from a moral authority. If you have a
right to post your annoyance to what I wrote, I feel much more
justified to complain about Peter Flynn's provocative posts.
Maybe you don't care about my ethical values. That puts you in a
perfect position to understand why I don't care about yours. As
a wannabe moderator, I view you as a flunking "kludge"{PF}.