In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Roy Schestowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> _____/ On Sun 11 Sep 2005 01:14:55 BST, [Mike Meyer] wrote : \_____
> > Based on discussion regarding the configuration process on lyx-devel,
> > I started working on a generic "file opener" for Unix, ala "open" on
> > OS X and "start" on Windows. A first release is ready. I've tested it
> > on a number of different things, including using it to launch all my
> > viewers from LyX.
> >
> > You can get it from <URL:
> >> . I'd appreciate comments and feedback.
> >
> >     <mike
> > --
> > Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              
> >
> > Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
> I beg you to pardon my ignorance, but what should I, as a LyX end-user, 
> be doing
> with the Python file? Don't get me wrong, I think it is a wonderful
> contribution. Is that aimed primarily at developers, for inclusion in future
> releases of LyX perhaps?

I admit that LyX-users is a strange place for this to show up. Issues
with the configuration script came up on the -devel list, and one
suggestion was that "LyX shouldn't have to worry about this." I agreed
- and this is what resulted. I'm going to try and get it bundled as
part of LyX, or at least get LyX to take advantage of open if it's
present. Since supporting LyX is a priority, I specifically wanted LyX
users as part of the test group. Hence the announcement there.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/open-0.1> python
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 19, in ?
>     from subprocess import Popen
> ImportError: No module named subprocess

My instructions didn't include enough information about this. You need
Python 2.4. The subprocess module was introduced in that. I can
rewrite the code using pre-2.4 tools if this causes enough people

> Perhaps I should look at the instructions you wrote more carefully. I 
> will do so
> shortly, as a matter fact. The archive is apparently badly structured, with 2
> directories called open-0.1 at the top level (maybe a bug which is at /my/
> end?) and two ./CVS in each.

I think that may be on your end. I certainly don't see those on my
end. Including the CVS directory was a mistake - I'm used to better
tools :-(.

        Thank you for the feedback,

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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