Juergen Spitzmueller writes:
> Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
> > I've got two small tables that contain footnote references. The
> > correct reference numbers appear in the dvi output, but the
> > footnotes themselves (and numbers) at the bottom of the page are
> > omitted.
> A LaTeX restriction, see
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=footintab

Thanks for the tip. The long list of solutions seemed rather dire, but 
in the middle there was this very simple suggestion: "Use tabularx or 
longtable from the LaTeX tools distribution; they're noticeably less 
efficient than the standard tabular environment, but they do allow 

"longtable" sounded familiar to my LyX-ears. And it worked when I 
checked "Use long table"  in LyX's Tabular menu.

Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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