Hi Bennett,

thanks for making this available -- greatly appreciated and much needed.

I installed it and tried it, but, alas, it doesn't seem to work, not even after logging out and logging in again.

The way I tested it was to think of a word that so far was not on my harddisk, type it into a new LyX document, and save that. Using Spotlight afterwards should have produced a pointer to that file, but did not. When I exported the file in question as ASCII, Spotlight immediately found the word in that file.

Any suggestions on where I might have gone wrong? Here is the output of the mdimport command (in case that is of any help, but it looks normal to me):

nsdhcp209:~ > mdimport -r /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/Library/ Spotlight/LyX-Metadata.mdimporter/ 2005-08-30 16:01:53.437 mdimport[4291] Asking server to reimport files with UTIs: ("dyn.ah62d4rv4gk8y8xc3pa", "org.lyx.lyx", "dyn.ah62d4rv4ge8028p2")
nsdhcp209:~ >

By the way, the Spotlight looking glass symbol in the upper right hand corner of the screen did not indicate that Spotlight was indexing anything -- I don't know whether it is supposed to, but you seemed to hint at it.

Best wishes, and please let me know if you have an idea how to fix this,

Dr. Andreas Busch                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reader in European Politics,
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

Fellow and Tutor in Politics        Tel. +44-(0)1865-279 451 (direct)
Hertford College                            Fax +44-(0)1865-279 437
Oxford OX1 3BW, United Kingdom

Homepage: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~busch
Weblog: http://politicsofprivacy.blogspot.com

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