----- Original Message ----- From: "Sven Schreiber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "LyX Users List" <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org> Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 6:20 PM Subject: doubleclicking files vs. file-open in lyx/win
Hi, this is from a happy user of 1.3.6 on win 2000. Nevertheless, one little quirk I want to ask about: I get different results from the same lyx-file when 1) opening it via file-open dialog, and 2) double-clicking it to be automatically opened. In case 1, everything is perfect. In case 2, the title bar shows the DOS-8.3-abbreviation of the file name. That's ok, but that (gibberish) name is also stored in the useful recent-files list in the "file" menu. And what's worse, exporting (tried to pdf and to tex) also uses that DOS-name. (Fortunately, simply saving the changed lyx file does not produce a new lyx-file with the dos-name though.) Thanks in advance for any hints or clarification. I know that the situation in 1.3.6 with double-clicking and filenames is much much better than before on windows. Before I just knew I had to workaround. But is it supposed to be fixed now, or some known issues remaining? -- I lost track of that, but couldn't find anything about that on the wiki (quick browse only). Cheers, Sven
I can't seem to replicate this problem here on a winXP box running 1.3.6