thanks - as startup takes much longer now on my machine than 1.3.5, im will
have to check the firewall* etc. settings.
* i might have disabled activeperl from acting as a server, though, if this
is relevant.

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>From: "Geoffrey Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       <>
>Subject: Re: 1.3.6 win continued
>Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 11:32:52 +0100
>----- Original Message ----- 
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:25 AM
>Subject: 1.3.6 win continued
>> hello all
>> version 1.3.6 win is slower at startup, and its window position and size
>> at exit is still not memorized. can this be fixed? - would be great!
>> all in all, the installation took more time, with all the add-ons, than
>> before...
>> thanks for the continuous effort and for the great program,
>> marco (zurich, switzerland)
>Just so there is a balance of views on the list.......
>I am not sure I agree with this (except the part about window position and
>size). I find that Lyx starts almost instantaniously now whereas before
>took a noticeable amount of time.
>As for installation time, well granted you have to install Python  and 
>MinSys (and Perl if you want to use ReLyx) but apart from that you don't
>have any additional install components and they both install rapidly. They
>also mean you don't have to faff about getting new versions of sed.exe,

>writing little command files to do things and then finally getting a working
>version of Lyx.
>I would say efficiency wise the new version is far superior, but then I
>on a 100Mbps connection so downloading is hardly a chore.
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