Omair-Inam Abdul-Matin wrote:
I've run into a weird problem. Until recently LyX was running fine on my computer. However, now all the output types (PS, PDF, etc.) have disappeared from the menus. I don't know what happened. I ran reconfigure and from the output I see that the problem is that when searching for latex, lyx finds the latex and classifies it as unuseable.

I have MikTex installed (and successfully for a while since LyX was running fine until recently)

What can I do?


You don't by any chance have Cygwin installed, do you? I ran into the "unusable latex" once because I had both MiKTeX and Cygwin, and the latex.exe executable that came with Cygwin preceded the MiKTeX executable on the command path.

If not Cygwin, try searching your machine for all files named latex.exe, and see if there's an "impostor".

-- Paul

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