The problem disappears if I omit the option
pagebackref=true in the hyperref praeamble.
With the option, the error message occurs, but
a pdf is produced in the lyx\temp folder. It can be
viewed by defining the new format (Edit->
Preferences->File Formats->New) with

    Format:    pdf4
    GUI name:  PDF (view)
    Extension: pdf
    Viewer:    pdfviewer

and definining the new viewer by placing a file named
pdfviewer.cmd containing

    kill -c AdobeAcrobat
    del viewer.pdf
    copy %~dpn1.pdf %~dp1\viewer.pdf
    START /max AcroRd32.exe %~dp1\viewer.pdf

into the lyx\bin directory.

The first line in pdfviewer.cmd uses
the kill utility from

to kill any existing Acrobat window.
It can be omitted, but in this case
all Acrobat windows must be closed manually
before invoking the lyx command

    buffer-view pdf4

from the mini-buffer or from the toolbar
(if placed on the toolbar by adding

    Icon "buffer-view pdf4"

under the toolbar heading in the .ui file).

HTH - in (unlikely but annoying) case that
somebody runs into a similar problem as I did.


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