Hello fellow LyX users,
I'm currently heading for a last minute deadline and have found a couple of
small hitches with my document in LyX. I was hoping I might get some help
(one can but try). If people would like to see the document before
commenting please just ask and I'll be willing to send it asap.
Firstly and foremost. I'm having difficulties with ToC. I have my document
in "book" environment and have set out 4 or 5 chapters using solely
description, enumerate, itemize, section, subsection, subsection*, chapter,
and chapter*. I included the TOC button just below my title and when I hit
view DVI....blank..CONTENTS and then an empty page...Any ideas (I have
checked the document settings>numbering>ToC = 5)?
Secondly. I guess I'm trying to have my cake and eat it. (I expect the
'proof' environment doesn't work within 'Book' ) I would like to add some
nice proof symbols at the end of my proofs...I have found a likely contender
for the box but cannot get the \hspace command working.
I'm a complete LaTeX newbie so could any responses be as comprehensive in
LaTeX (and LyX) input as possible.
Thanks in advance
George Leach
- Issues with Table of Contents George Leach
- Re: Issues with Table of Contents Meri Williams
- Re: Issues with Table of Contents samar
- Re: Issues with Table of Contents George Leach