Hi all, First, thanks to Matej for suggesting the sectsty package for customizing structural headings (section, subsection, subsubsection). It works nicely so I'll be using it.
Because the audience of my new book is managers, I don't want section numbers -- too geeky. That means in order to clearly delineate where the reader is in the book's structure, I need to make section, subsection and subsubsection so incredibly different from each other that at a glance the reader knows the difference. Font sizes are a good start, but to make them different enough I'd need to make section Huge or huge, either of which makes for a heck of a lot of 2 line headings, which is ugly and adds to shipping costs through increased pages. One thing I can do is for each section, subsection and subsubsection, prepend a .4 inch line followed by .1 inch of space before the heading. In the case of section, the heading would be .2 inches thick, which looks like a block. The subsection would be 0.5 inches thick, which looks like a very thick line. The subsubsection would be 0.1 inches thick, which looks like a thin line. Text of headings would be bold sans serif, Large for section, large for subsection, and subscriptsize for subsubsection. Here's the code: % ### SectSty: Special appearance for section headers ### \usepackage{sectsty}% Special fonts for sections \sectionfont{\Large\sffamily\upshape\bfseries\rule[0in]{0.4in} {0.2in}\rule[0in]{.1in}{0in}} \subsectionfont{\large\sffamily\upshape\bfseries\rule[0in]{0.4in} {0.05in}\rule[0in]{.1in}{0in}} \subsubsectionfont{\footnotesize\sffamily\upshape\bfseries\rule[0in]{0.4in} {0.01in}\rule[0in]{.1in}{0in}} Is that reasonable for a self-published, commercial book aimed at an audience of managers, or am I committing aesthetic suicide? Thanks SteveT Steve Litt Founder and acting president: GoLUG http://www.golug.org