I have a similar problem with languages (detailed in a previous post:
3/17/05, with my ugly workaround), perhaps it's connected to your
problem. Are you using more than one language in your documents?
On Apr 4, 2005, at 1:11 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
christiaan johannes pauw wrote:
I am writing a document in Afrikaans and sometimes use
cross-references. When I set the cross referense to <reference> on
<page> it should give something like : "1.1.2 on page 10" which would
be "1.1.2 op bladsy 10" or "1.1.2 op pagina 10" in Afrkaans. For some
reason I get the output in Geman: "1.1.2 auf Seite 10".
I can't reproduce this. I attached a working LyX-file and its output.
If you get german labels anyway, have a look at the file dutch.ldf"
where the afrikaan labels are stored. It should be installed in the
If something is wrong in the file, check for an actual version of your
regards Uwe
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Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy Ph: (64) 9 373-7599 x83940
University Of Auckland Fax: (64) 9 373-7408
Private Bag 92019 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand