On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 12:30 +0100, Simon Bock wrote:
> Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> > On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 10:09 +0100, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> >>I was asked by a colleague how to handle a MedLine search in order to 
> >>insert 
> >>selected references into pybliographer before piping them into lyx. 
> > 
> > I do not know much about Medline searches, but pybliographer can handle
> > medline databases. Pybliographer is really great software, especially
> Sure, I did searches and they come back as expected. That's cool.
> But since I don't manage to get only one result back, I'm confronted 
> with e.g. 10 entries cluttering my database.
It is not clear to me want you want to achieve. Note that searching does
not change your database. I just shows only the entries that match your
search criteria.

> That is what I use, but I did not manage to have multiple windows / 
> reference databases in it.
> What I know from the M$ world is one window to do your searches in, one 
> window with your reference database, and you drag the relevant article 
> out of the search results into your database.
> Can this be achieved with pybliographic?
You want to store your search results in a separate database file? As
far as I know it is not possible. Why would you like this? If you want
to make a database file with all citations used in some article you can
use the "pybcompact" script included in the package.
> > I have a 150+ article database (bibtex format) for my PhD thesis and
> > with pybliographic I can conveniently manage it, search articles and
> Maybe I am just stupid - but isn't your bitex database cluttered with 
> search results after a search?

You can easily remove a  by right clicking on it search in the search
window. You can also perform a new search within the results of a
previous search by selecting the old search before entering a new one.

> Thank you for your opinion.
> Best Regards
> Simon

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