On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Martin A. Hansen wrote:
This is a litle besides the thread but I think it could be useful
pros: =====
* journals may provide latex classes of thier own
I'm a physcist and a couple of years ago I tried (and failed) to adapt the revtex layout to the style provided by the Institute of Physics. Pressed by time I reverted to the article style and exported the latex in the final version, changed the styles and corrected until it compiled.
It should be quite useful a brief tutorial (addressed to people not very knowledgeable in latex) on how to adapt a layout file. I apologize if it exists as I didn't check for its existence.
I agree with you. I have the same problem with NCR papers, they have a latex style but I was not able to use it in lyx. Perhaps an entry in the wiki and some expert comments would help.