>>>>> "Charles" == Charles de Miramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Charles> Part of KDE has been ported to OSX and some are working on a
Charles> Windows Port but it has not brought us any new developpers.
Charles> Maybe some new users. But the classical people ready to help
Charles> with an Open Source project (IT students, Hobbyist
Charles> programmers, Scientist) are using Linux or one of the
Charles> different BSD. Mac or Windows users are free riders.

I think Mac OS X has changed part of this equation.

Charles> The Emacs-style interface is showing its age and rather weird
Charles> for Windows transfuges used to MsWord. 

Emacs-style in which sense?

Charles> LyX integrates quite badly with the rest of my desktop and
Charles> cutting&pasting is still primitive. 

Cutting and pasting is very bad indeed.

Charles> For, post 1.4.0, I think that the main goal should be to move
Charles> LyX towards a plugin based application. It would lower the
Charles> barrier level to scratch ones itches and map to the LateX
Charles> model with its zillion extra packages. If some people have
Charles> energy, it would be fun to see how hard it would be to
Charles> recreate a LyX editor using the KoText library.

I am not sure how a plugin based application would solve the LaTeX
support model, actually.


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