I have a problen in My lyx 1.3.5. Lyx not accept acentuation in brazilian/portuguese.
Obs: all other prograns acentuate correctly (like mozila-mail á é í ó ú à è ì ò ù ç ã õ).
My system is a fedora core 3 updated from core 2.
My /etc/sysconfig/i18n ------------------------------- LANG=pt_BR.ISO-8859-1 LINGUAS=pt_BR SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1 LC_ALL=pt_BR SYSTERM=linux-lat SUPPORTED="en_US.ISO8859-1:en_US:en:pt_BR.ISO8859-1:pt_BR:pt:ru_RU.ISO8859-1:ru_RU:ru:ru_UA.ISO8859-1:ru_UA:ru" LESSCHARSET="latin1" -------------------------------
In lyx preferences Language settings->language Default language = Portuguese (Brasil) Lang.Package= \usepackage{babel}
In lyx preferences Language settings->Spellchecker Spell = ispell Alternative language = pt_BR * accept compount words * use input encoding
In document settings->language I set: Portuguese(Brazil) Encoding: Latin1
An example of input sequence `a `e `i `u `o ´a ´e ´u ´i ´o ´c
but all acents work correctly in search/replace dialog??? search/replace dialog
What is the problem!!
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