On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 02:01:01 +0100, Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I would like to get the following enumerate (in to two columns) output: > > > > 1. First item; 1*. Item homologous to the first one; > > 2. Second item; 2*. Item homologous to the second one. > > You can use two minipages side by side and every minipage has two > enmumerate environments. To get the star behind the number you have to > redefine the command > \theenumi > > This can be done within a new defined environment or, as I did, with two > separate commands. The effect is the same: you need for the starred > enumeration two commands in ERT. > I attached an example.
Thanks, Uwe. Your example corresponds exactly to what I want. Paul