Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to change the printed output of "Chapter" to
"Session" in a copy of the book document class.

This doesn't work for me in the preamble, because
babel redefines the name to "Kapittel" ("chapter" in Norwegian).

But it works if I put it in ERT at the top of the document.
Note that it only works for latex-based output (i.e.
postscript, pdf, html, dvi, ...) you won't
see "session" inside lyx unless you also
makes a new layout.

I am using LyX 1.3.4 and teTeX-2.0.2.

I tried copying share/lyx/layouts/book.layout to my
~/.lyx/layouts/courseware.layout and then modifying to have:


and made a new Style Session.

Don't make a new layout just for this.  Do it if you
have lots of other changes though.

Don't make a new style if you merely want to rename
chapter.  Just rename chapter in that case.  Make a new
style only if "session" is something different from "chapter",
perhaps if you want to have both chapters _and_ sessions.

but LyX said the class was "Unavailable" (but it did work, but didn't have
any way to export to postscript).

I also tried making a new ~/.lyx/layouts/courseware.layout

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{courseware}

But I couldn't figure out how to add a "Session" style or to change the

Also, I read that the .layout files only effect the look in the LyX
interface. So I guess I need to change some book.cls file to make a new

The layout file may contain latex preamble commands - try
to redefine \chaptername there.  This avoids having to write
a whole new class.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Basically what I want is a document layout for a book that doesn't say
"Chapter" on each of my new chapters, but says "Session" instead. This is
used for courseware that I have been using for a couple years.

In that case, just rename "chapter" to "session".

Helge Hafting

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