Hello LyXers,

I created a wiki page, that describes advanced table formatting,
multirow / multicolumn cells and customized formats

You can find it here:


just for information.

But there is a table, I wasn't able to create:

|   t   |       |
|   e   | text  |
|   x   |       |
|   t   |--------
|   x   |       |
|   e   | text  |
|   t   |       |

LyX offers to rotate the text in the multirow, but it not horizontally centered (it adheres on the right border). How can I center the text.?
The other problem is the row height - the first row is bibber than the second one, because the multirow has a fixed height. How can I adjust the height of the second row?

thanks and regards Uwe

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