Kelvin Ngo wrote:
I dont know what the reason is but when I do a File->PDF (pdflatex), I occasionally get the message "buffer-export pdf2" at the bottom left corner of Lyx and the previous PDF file which I exported is shown rather than the most recent one file which I have opened in Lyx, modified, saved and exported again.
As you work with Windows, I assume that you've opened the PDF with Acrobat (or Adobe Reader). Acrobat loads pdf-files without permissions for other programs to change them while they are opened.
So you have to close the pdf first before you can export it from LyX. Nasty, but otherwise you'll get an error message or you'll still see the old version.
regards Uwe
p.s. Generally, the folder where LyXWin is installed and LyX's working directories should have writing permission "everybody". This often helps to avoid spurious LyXWin problems.