Nicolas Ferré a écrit:
I'd like to put some maths in a short title, but it seems that, for instance, I cannot use the /overrightarrow command in it. I really can't understand the problem. See the attached lyx example. The tex file seems ok, but I guess I am missing something ?
One should avoid using formulas the table of contents. Using a short title without math will also prevent troubles, if you use the hyperref package to generate pdf-bookmarks.
I also don't understand the error message, bacause other math constructs, like roots etc., are possible.
regards Uwe
Actually I use the short titles for the nagivation bar inside a beamer presentation. Because the navigation bar is really thin (and I don't want to enlarge it), I thought math symbols are rather explicit, e.g. \overrightarrow{B} instead of "Application of a magnetic field".
Anyway, I still don't see why some math symbols are allowed in a short
title while others are not (\widehat works, not \overrightarrow, nor \overbrace). Herbert Voss suggested using an ERT instead of the "short title" in the Insert menu, but it results in the same error. I tried also with or without amsmath, but without success.
Maybe only math commands beginning with \over give problems...
SOLVED !!! ... if I use the \protect command in front of \overrightarrow, now it works.
-- Dr. Nicolas Ferre' Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique et de Modelisation Moleculaire UMR 6517 - CNRS Universite' de Provence Case 521 - Faculte' de Saint-Jerome Av. Esc. Normandie Niemen 13397 MARSEILLE Cedex 20 (FRANCE) Tel : (+33) Fax : (+33)
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