Paul Smith wrote:

> Dear All
> I would like to be able to produce the graph of certain functions
> (say, f(x)=ln(x)) and manipulate it with xfig to get a vectorial
> picture to insert, afterwards, in a LyX document. I could use Maple
> to produce those graphs, but Maple pictures are bitmaps... and not
> vectorial pictures. Any ideas?

Use gnuplot, together with the attached script

I attach a sample so that you can see what it does. gnuplot commands 
are stored in with90.gnu and common.gnu. Raw data it stored in the 
.gnudat files.

$ ./ with90.gnu with90.fig

will generate an xfig file that displays the raw data in 
with90.gnudat as a histogram and which also uses gnuplot non-linear 
fitting functionality to fit Gaussian curves to the data in 
with90.gnudata and mercer_crapo.gnudat.

Everything is vector graphics. Gnuplot is a bloody excellent tool!

set xtics nomirror
set ytics nomirror
set xlabel 'Generation number'
set ylabel 'Number of paths (\%)'
set xrange [0:25]
set yrange [0:]

set key spacing 2
set style line 1 linetype 1 linewidth 1 pointtype 1
set style line 2 linetype 1 linewidth 2 pointtype 1
set style line 3 linetype 2 linewidth 1 pointtype 1
set style line 4 linetype 15 linewidth 2 pointtype 1

a_mc=100; sigma_mc=3.0; mu_mc=6.0
p_mc(x) = (a_mc/(sigma_mc * sqrt(2.0 * pi))) * exp(-0.5 * ((x-mu_mc)/sigma_mc)**2)
fit p_mc(x) "mercer_crapo.gnudat" \
        using 1:($2/1.338):($3/1.338) via a_mc,sigma_mc,mu_mc
a=100.; sigma=2.; mu=7.0
p(x) = (a/(sigma * sqrt(2.0 * pi))) * exp(-0.5 * ((x-mu)/sigma)**2)

Description: application/shellscript

# Generation ID   Number of Ducts  Standard deviation
# =============   ===============  ==================
 1  1.0 0.1
 2  3.0 0.4
 3  6.0 0.9
 4  8.0 2.0
 5 13.3 3.0
 6 18.0 3.0
 7 21.0 6.0
 8 17.0 6.0
 9 14.0 2.0
10 13.0 0.7
11 13.0 2.0
12  4.0 1.0
13  2.5 0.3
load 'common.gnu'

fit p(x) 'with90.gnudat' using 1:2:3 via a, sigma, mu

plot \
        using 1:2 notitle with boxes ls 1, \
        using 1:2:2:($2+$3) notitle with errorbars ls 1, \
    p(x) title 'Fit to numerical data' ls 2, \
    p_mc(x) title 'Fit to Mercer \& Crapo data' ls 4

#    'mercer_crapo.gnudat'\
#        using 1:($2/1.338):($3/1.338) with errorlines ls 3,\
2 0.039683 0.177466
3 2.460317 1.119434
4 9.484127 3.019114
5 15.158730 2.795919
6 17.777778 5.048465
7 17.301587 5.261964
8 15.515873 3.525651
9 11.111111 4.377403
10 7.063492 3.631492
11 2.777778 1.793240
12 1.071429 1.732594
13 0.238095 0.581504

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