Hi Rob,
if the conversion is successful you should have a file in your directory with suffix .sxw, i.e. trial.sxw. That is an OpenOffice compressed (zipped) format. You need to fire up OpenOffice, open that file and save it as Microsoft Word
On Oct 31, 2004, at 12:49 AM, Rob S wrote:
Yes, I tried oolatex and deals with footnotes very well. Besides that, it knows also ho to deal with jurabib and natbib -- a very important feature for humanities. Going from Ooffice to Word is trivial and gives no problems at all. Best,I don't know tex4ht quite well, but it has a oolatex option/command. Have you tried this? I think it will convert directly to OpenOffice Writer format, and from there you could get to word.
Ive tried and failed! So I'm looking for help with this please.
I have tex4ht (setup and tested and working as per Philip Vs notes) installed on my XP system
I also have open office 1.1.3
I have created a trial.lyx which I have exported as trial.tex. The suggested
htlatex trial.tex "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf" "-coo"
produces a few files......so now what?
Also if i do a
oolatex trial.tex
I get another bunch of files generated, the last one is trial.xml
How can I now open these in open office?
I have probably missed something here which is blatantly obvious but would appreciate a pointer as to the next step please.
Rob S
__________________________________________________ Stefano Franchi Department of Philosophy Ph: (64) 9 373-7599 x83940 University Of Auckland Fax: (64) 9 373-7408 Private Bag 92019 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auckland New Zealand