Hello, I'm using the listings package to display source code in a Lyx document. See http://www.texnik.de/listings/listings.phtml, for example.
The way I use this is to open an ERT box that holds \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash begin{lstlisting}[language=Octave,% \newline alsolanguage=,% \newline label=sql:label2,caption=caption2] \newline \layout Standard <FILE INSERTED HERE> \backslash end{lstlisting} \end_inset Then I use INSERT -> INSERT_FILE -> ASCII As Lines to insert a file in the spot noted above. The problem is that the lines of the inserted file don't have a \newline at their ends, which results in the code display being doublespaced rather than single as in the original. I can add them manually, but is there a way to make this automatic. Thanks in advance, Michael