Isa Usman wrote:


I am using the natbib package to produce Author-Year citations. The problem
I've got is that two author citations are produced as:

(Bush and Saddam, 2003)

How can I change it so that in my final document I've got:

(Bush & Saddam, 2003)  instead?

I know this is probably being pedantic :-) but in a situation where you have
say 5 sets of two-author citations together, the latter seems to be nicer if
no less a potent combination. ;-)



Take a look at The author hacked up his own bibliography style (.bst) file, and the lines you are looking for are these:

     \newcommand{\BIBand}{%                     % makebst

You might try adding that to your document preamble (you can get delete the '% makebst' comment). I'm not sure, but I think you may also have to use custom-bib (makebst) to create a customized .bst file. One of the things it prompts you for is the separator before the last author. To use this trick, you'll want to select \BIBand, which is one of the choices. The catch is that \BIBand (which I think defaults to \&) would be used in both the citations and the bibliography entries without the fix above.



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