Lyx User wrote:

Is there a special unary minus in the math panel somewhere?


Or does it actually exists in latex? I did a search, but could
not find anything better than just using '-'.
I think intervals such as $[-\infty, \infty)$ don't look
very nice. I could use some negative space, though I was wondering
whether someone figured this out for me already.

Where do you need negative spaces? If the minus doesn't follow on a number or letter, it doesn't have surrounding space.
(To avoid the space in general, set a LaTeX-brace around it, e.g. type "a\{- b" in LyX or "$a{-}b$" in LaTeX.)

The problem in "$[-\infty, \infty]$" is, that the minus is too long. To avoid this, you can put the minus in mathematical text (that means \textrm (shortcut M-m m) in LyX). To have a middle size minus, write two minuses in \textrm. You can also use a half space (C-space in LyX) after the minus, I attached several possibilities.

regards Uwe
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_inset Formula $a{-}p=a-p$

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\begin_inset Formula $[-\infty,\infty]$


\begin_inset Formula $[\textrm{-}\infty,\infty]$


\begin_inset Formula $[\textrm{-}\,\infty,\infty]$


\begin_inset Formula $[\textrm{--}\infty,\infty]$


\begin_inset Formula $[\textrm{--}\,\infty,\infty]$


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