G. Milde schrieb:

> On 20.09.04, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> G. Milde wrote:
>>> On 17.09.04, Helge Hafting wrote:
>>>> ... would it be ok to simply replace pslatex with the better alternative,
>>>> or would we get angry protests from:
>>>> * People who have pslatex but not the alternative (if any)
>>>> * People who want their old documents to appear just so, and object
>>>> to anything that changes fonts in _existing_ documents?
>>> Keep pslatex but put it in a lower position. This way it is clear not to be
>>> first choice but will still be used for existing documents.
>>> Changing fonts can be a big issue and it could become a long cumbersome
>>> search to find out why my carefully crafted page layout got completely out
>>> of sync.
>> nonsense here! Look what pslatex loads and compare it with
>> the replacement, which I posted more than once.
> I just compared Document>Font pslatex with
> Document>Font Default + preamble \usepackage{lmodern}
> The translated document has 32 vs. 30 pages and floats appear at totally
> different positions. An automatic replacement would break my docs.

you are comparing two different things, pslatex has nothing to do with latin modern fonts.

> I would object to documents defining Font pslatex to be typeset with lmodern
> automatically.

see above, when a user wants times you can say take lm fonts.

> However, I would like lmodern to appear in the drop down list and I would
> like it to appear at first position.


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