
Sorry I just mistakenly posted the following
information by reply to an unrelated post.

I am tring to get the instant preview on windows-lyx
work. I have followed the instructions on
http://wiki.lyx.org/pmwiki.php/LyX/WindowsSetup as
well as
http://wiki.lyx.org/pmwiki.php/LyX/InstantPreview. But
I see the following message:

"Failed: gswin32.exe 0lyxpreview.ps"

Anyone can help me with this?

The other problem: I have associated sh.exe in
\lyx\bin with .sh file, but when I try View->Tex
Information, the lists are blank (although I can see
in the console window the message
"Indexing files of type cls
 Indexing files of type sty
 Indexing files of type bst"
several times.)

Thanks a lot for your help!



--- "G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Quite often my documents contain citations in a
> different language (German
> in English or vice versa). When I ispell the text,
> all these foreign words
> are counted as misspellings, even if I tell LyX that
> it is a different
> language.
> Is there a way to tell ispell to skip a part of the
> text? 
> Otherwise this would be my feature request: Text
> marked as belongign to a
> second language (blue underlined) should not be
> handed to ispell.
> Günter
> -- 
> G.Milde web.de

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