"Jeremy C. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Or how to write some xsltproc .xsl code for adding a space after
> every newline in a paragraph container?

>From the little experience I got with generating perl with xslt, it's
easier (but more verbose) to get fine control of the output by using

For instance, you can do:

    <xsl:if test="help"> 
      help => {
      <xsl:apply-templates select="help"/>

But then you get a lot of possibly spurious \n. Or you can do:

    <xsl:if test="help"> 
      <xsl:text>help => {<xsl:text/>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="help"/>
Although I don't remember how to embed "\n" in <xsl:text> without
breaking the indentation of your xml code.

You'll ask to ask this to mailing list (or newsgroup) dedicated to


Dominique Dumont 
"Delivering successful solutions requires giving people what they
need, not what they want." Kurt Bittner

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